Critical Illness Comparison Made Simple

Providing an unparalleled level of analysis and research, that's both scrutinising and personalised.

Hours of detailed research can now be completed in a matter of minutes.

Advise your client with complete peace of mind, that you've informed them fully of the options available.

Our award winning customer service team will ensure you are supported with getting started.
Trusted by 1000's of financial advisers across the UK
Compare critical
illness with ease
Providing an unparalleled level of independent analysis and research, CIExpert takes precision to the next level. Not only is the system powerful, intelligent and personalised, it’s also intuitively user friendly, allowing you to drill down into those conditions and understand the comparison of policies at a level you can’t achieve anywhere else. We call this combination Personalised Predictive Analysis.
Personalised: The likelihood of a claim varies hugely depending upon the client’s age, gender and the term. Analysis is therefore tailored to your client’s individual needs to a scrutinising degree
Predictive: taking evaluation to a new level of precision by calculating the quality of cover with our incidence based approach
Analysis: the statistical probability of an individual suffering from a condition or undergoing a medical intervention that meets the wording requirements within a policy is computed from the individuals exact age, gender and through to the end of the policy term
Why CIExpert?
With over 136 conditions in the market, and counting, it has never been so complex for financial advisers to choose between critical illness policies. CIExpert enables advisers to understand and assess the best choice for their clients and arms them with the tools to convey the rationale to their clients.
A detailed ranking system based upon incidence statistics, that tailors the analysis to the client's individual needs to a scrutinising degree.
Access to a detailed knowledge base of both current and over 400 historical policies for comparison.
A detailed auto-generated PDF report that promotes a successful and engaging client discussion and also keeps your compliance team happy.
A comprehensive policy database containing over 1000 policy documents both historic and any new documents as they emerge.

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What our members have to say

Advisers not using CIExpert really should take note. They have some fantastic, industry revolutionary features that will not only improve your knowledge but significantly improve the advice you give to your clients!

Thomas Nicholls
Protection Adviser, LIFETIME ASSURE

CIExpert for the win! 🙌🏼 Making it SOOOO easy for us to show which providers have upgraded & are awesome these days! So much better for clients!

Jordan Thomas
Mortgage & Protection Adviser, MAB

CIExpert is a fantastic tool, I couldn’t operate without it! I get excited to compare old policies against new. It's so easy to use too. It's great for compliance, quality policies stand out for miles. You need to have CIExpert...without a doubt.

Simone Riley
Elite Force Mortgages
Critical Illness News
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